
Here & there. Near & far. Photographs & musings from home & away for all of your informational & inspirational needs. 

the journal

Coming from freezing (read: 8c Celsius) Mexico City, disembarking the plane into the dry Oaxacan desert was a welcome change for someone who didn’t pack jeans.  Getting the 6am flight from Mexico City meant that we arrived by 7:30am, with the whole day stretching ahead of us to explore. With instructions to head to Boulenc, […]

Oaxaca, Mexico

Cuba, Havana in particular, has been at the top of my bucket list for a long while. I even attempted to book flights to Havana for a few days (as you do) during a particularly waterlogged week on Bocas del Toro, Panama in 2018 before sadly realising that it was Thanksgiving and flying anywhere – […]

Havana, Cuba